What's in a Name?
Part of the Lexico dictionary defines freedom as follows:
1. The power or right to act, speak, or think as one wants without hindrance or restrain
freedom from
2. The state of not being subject to or affected by (a particular undesirable thing)
The state of not being subject to or affected by (a particular undesirable thing)
3. The power of self-determination attributed to the will; the quality of being independent of fate or necessity
FREEDOM English Definition and Meaning | Lexico.com
Free To Be Me Counseling LLC was born from the belief that freedom is possible for everyone! And for many of us this journey starts with internal freedom from fear, anxiety, OCD, depression, past harms, trauma, addiction, or lack of a belief in ourselves. Sometimes freedom is blocked by societal, cultural, and structural injustices, yet many of the prisons people are trapped in start in their minds!
Free To Be Me Counseling LLC offers compassionate, evidenced based therapy so that you are free to choose your life! Dare to be You!
“The only way to deal with an unfree world is to become so absolutely free that your very existence is an act of rebellion.”. – Albert Camus